Thursday, September 13, 2007

EarFuze Custom Earphones

EarFuze Introduces Custom Earphones

User-fit Earphones are Shaped to the Ear

EarFuze introduced the first music earphones that are custom molded by the user for exact fit. The three-step system allows the user to easily create a pair of quality, custom earphones in less than 10 minutes.

Custom earphones have significant comfort and fit advantages over standard earphones. “Many people find the earbuds that come with their iPods® don’t fit their ears properly. As a result, discomfort, shifting and falling out are typical problems. Overall, there is a tremendous amount of frustration with standard earphones.” says Aaron Quinlisk, EarFuze founder. “Custom-molded earphones solve the fit issues because they perfectly match the anatomy of the individual ear. Most people don’t realize your ear has unique contours which will hold a custom earphone with glove-like fit.”

Users who listen to music while engaged in recreation or activity will be impressed by the remarkable security and retention aspects of custom earphones. EarFuze earphones will not shift or fall out of the ear, no matter how vigorous the activity. Passive noise reduction is also significant.

Traditional custom earphones are expensive, requiring a trip to an audiologist and a price tag in the hundreds. EarFuze has eliminated the pricey, complex procedure by creating a system where the user performs the complete custom-earpiece process. “We want to bring the superb comfort and incredible security of custom earphones to the average music listener at an affordable price point. There is no reason why the listening experience should suffer because of poor fitting headphones.” Quinlisk explained.

The custom earpiece of EarFuze earphones is constructed of a healthcare grade silicone that is soft, durable and ear-friendly. The EarFuze system is exclusive, proprietary technology and the only product available that allows the user to easily mold comfortable, made-to-your-ear custom earphones. EarFuze materials have been developed through the specialized knowledge of the hearing profession.

EarFuze has released two models for music and a hands-free model for phones. iFuze stereo earphones are just $24 for the complete system and ideally priced for users needing a solution to poor-fitting iPod® earbuds. LiveWirez are the company flagship and feature quality acoustics with full, rich, balanced sound for $49. PhoneFuze is a hands-free custom earbud for cell phones and land lines with a 2.5mm jack and sells for $19. The company expects to release stereo earphones for music phones early next month. For more information or to purchase EarFuze products, visit